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Idensitat is an arts project that investigates ways to impact the public sphere through creative proposals that work with place and territory exploring their physical and social aspects.

Idensitat positions itself as a networked production and research space, developed in the field of art, to experiment with new forms of involvement and interaction in social space.

The set of promoted activities is defined by means of production of projects , beginning with an open call or an invitation, in order to advance proposals for specific contexts; through educational actions , in the course of which local collectives are discovered, to whom proposals are made to include these projects in their programme of activities; and through documentation projects , participating as works already carried out in other contexts. These are then presented through acts of communication and dissemination, such as debates, exhibitions or publications.


Històries i Llocs, Sans façon | storybook.pdf

Stories and Places is a Sans Façon [Charles Blanch and Tristan Surtees] artistic project produced by IDENSITAT and Priorat Centre d'Art with the collaboration of the DO Montsant . The project consists of compiling and distributing a group of vivid accounts, memories and wishes, related to landscape, narrated by inhabitants of the Priorat region.

Històries i Llocs (Stories and Places) is an exploration and visualization of the land of the Priorat region drawn from particular descriptions which, taken together, contribute to the construction of a local imaginary. These fragments of the social landscape will be distributed to other places, as labels attached to bottles of wine, while remaining connected to a moment and a concrete place: the Priorat.

The stories selected for distribution on wine bottles were made possible thanks to the collaboration of diverse organizations and educational centres of the Priorat region: Consell Regulador de la DO Montsant, Centre Quim Soler, Esplai de la gent gran de Falset, Biblioteca Salvador Estrem i Fa, Centre de Formació Ocupacional (Falset), Centre de Recursos de Cornudella de Montsant, IES Priorat (Falset), SES Montsant (Cornudella de Montsant), CEIP Dr. Piñol i Aguadé (Cornudella de Montsant), CEIP Sant Isidre (Capçanes), CEIP Sant Feliu (Els Guiamets), CEIP Josep Riba (La Serra d'Almos), CEIP Onze de Setembre (El Masroig), CEIP Rossend Giol (Porrera), CEIP Montsant (Ulldemolins), CEIP Garbí (Poboleda), CEIP El Castell (Cabacés), CEIP Montsant (La Bisbal de Falset).

The Sans Façon's project forms part of IDENSITAT#4 | Priorat Centre d'Art, on the theme Home|Away. T he compilation of descriptinons was realized in 2008 by Oriol Fontdevila with the collaboration of the Centre Quim Soler . Distribution of the wine bottles with DO Montsant wine appellation and labelled with a selection of the compiled accounts, depends upon the collaboration of the cellars Celler Masroig, Celler Aibar and the DO Montsant.



The project boundaries , consists of a serie of photographs taken in border security between European Union countries. The images were published in poster format to be distributed in public places where there are less obvious dividing lines. He has distributed these posters in various parts of the territory of the Priorat region of which are located on the border between the two denominations of origin that are part of the same area: the  Priorat and Montsant. In the video interview speaks on the representation of the space frontier and the social role of photography.